k3s - My first public Ansible Role Mar 09, 2019 Today marks the first time I have dared to release an Ansible role to Ansible Galaxy. It’s not my first role and it certainly isn’t my best, unfortunately my best role to date - a role for configuring Tinc - has (kind of) been donated to the company I work for. So without further ado, please may I introduce… k3s For anyone who has been following the news recently, Rancher Labs released K3s - also known as “Lightweight Kubernetes” and you can download it from https://k3s. ...
Snippet - List tenants of an SAP HANA MDC Nov 11, 2018 I thought I would share a snippet of code that I have found useful for discovering all of the SIDs and Tenants running on an SAP HANA system running with Multitenant Database Containers (MDC). If you are running HANA 2.0 this is your default operating mode. Disclaimer: I do not consider myself a HANA expert, whilst day-to-day I work with HANA systems I focus more on OS level operations and automation. ...
Systemd-resolved, Flushing DNS in Ubuntu 18.04 (and other distributions). Oct 18, 2018 Today I’ve been playing with static DNS on my router, sadly Miktotik doesn’t support “DNS Doctoring” and it doesn’t look like Ubiquiti Networks equipment does either (as of 2018). It’s likely a feature I got spoilt with on a couple of Cisco routers I had access to. Anyway, back to the point. Using Ubuntu 16.04 for a long time on my work laptop and now CentOS 7 I have been used to working with dnsmasq and how to clear the cache. ...
Remembering HTTPS Authentication in git Sep 24, 2018 Quick tip for anyone who is wanting git to remember their username/password when issuing push/pulls to a git repository over HTTPS, run the following: git config credential.helper store This will remember your username and password by storing in a plaintext file in ${HOME}/.git-credentials. Disclaimer: Only do this if you know your home directory is secure from other users! Source git: credential-store
Dropping the Hyphen! Aug 31, 2018 You may think I’m mad, but I am going to drop the hyphen in my domain, so very shortly you will see that instead of visiting https://xan-manning.co.uk, you will be visiting https://xanmanning.co.uk. Why are you doing this, Xan? Well, you have probably noticed that pretty much every other vanity domain on the net is lacking a hyphen between firstname and surname; I’m just following that convention. I’ll keep the ol' xan-manning. ...
Code to Kubernetes in 15 Minutes Aug 19, 2018 As you may recall, a couple of on-call’s ago I started crafting a Kubernetes cluster using Vagrant and Ansible. Well I have decided to upload my code to GitHub! Download You can get the code from here: https://github.com/xanmanning/vagrant-kubernetes-cluster Here’s what gets deployed! An NFS server for Persistent Volumes 3 Kubernetes Nodes (1 master, 2 workers). This can be increased in Vagrant. Demonstration In the below demo I go from sourcecode, to a 3 node cluster + storage in 15 minutes. ...
Weekend Deployment, Upskilling Jun 23, 2018 I’ve got a weekend to myself, it’s not uncommon, but this weekend the wife has gone away to watch Foo Fighters. I’m not jealous, I’m not fond of crowds and I don’t like travelling to London (or down South in general). When I win the lottery and can afford to have private gigs for my family then all will be cool. So yes, on a weekend when I am on my own I can be a bit of a sad nut, especially on weekends like this one when I will be starting a week of on-call for work. ...
Git for Non-Developers May 06, 2018 I have been thinking about this for quite a while, particularly as I am in the middle of contributing to a project at work to combine our multiple knowledgebases into a single repository of runbooks. We’ve chosen to resolve our fractured information repositories into a central git repository. Each runbook is written in Markdown. So why use Git (on GitHub) and Markdown? Runbooks live close to the code, eventually commonly used runbooks can become Ansible playbooks. ...
First post of 2018 May 03, 2018 I am still alive, honest! I’ve just been super busy being a geek. I’m still trying to continue my AWS education but this has been put on hold for some Azure training. I’m slowly becoming quite cloud agnostic and trying to be smart with it. So here’s a rundown of what I have been doing over the past 6 months… Refining my Ansible skills (mainly for work). Playing with Terraform (personally more than professionally). ...
Auto Shutdown AWS EC2s with Lambda, CloudWatch (and Terraform) Nov 27, 2017 Today we are looking at how to automatically shut down EC2 instances at the end of the day automatically using a combination of Lambda and CloudWatch. TL;DR I’ve written a ‘stop EC2’ Lambda function that is deployable with Terraform to get you started, I’ve not made a ‘start EC2’ Lambda function yet. Future improvements, I’d like to programmatically schedule instances using tags. Clone from: github.com/xanmanning/terraform-autostop What we will end up with is a simple Lambda function that will search all of our regions and automatically send the stop-instances command to anything that is still running after 8:00pm. ...